Wythall Tennis Club
Wythall Tennis Club is based on the 37-acre grounds of Wythall Park in Wythall, Birmingham. They have four artificial grass courts devoted entirely to members, three of which are floodlit with tennis played throughout the year.
Provide the best facilities
The club really wanted to provide their existing members with the best possible facilities, so the switch from traditional floodlights to Lumosa LED lights has done this on the converted courts so far. The even spread of light has helped to improve playing conditions together with the capability to deliver up to 400 LUX meeting the LTA match standard.

Reduce costs
Another requirement was to reduce their power usage and early indications are this will be easily achieved. As an example the energy use for January 2022 was 826KWH versus 297KWH used in January 2023 with 2 of the 4 courts switched to Lumosa LED lights. C60% energy saving

It has been wonderful to have new LED lights installed on three of our courts. They provide excellent lighting and will be more efficient on energy. These lights will help to ensure more opportunities to play during those cold dark evenings we all love.
Chris Maggs – Chairman
Having coached at a number of clubs across the UK the newly installed lights are one of the best I’ve played under. The difference in glare and ball visibility is noticeable and I’d recommend them to any club going forward.